"The Idiot" is a novel by American humorist John Kendrick Bangs. The story revolves around the character of Smith, an ordinary man who suddenly becomes a genius after being struck by lightning. The book satirizes the obsession with intelligence and the notion that being a genius automatically leads to success and happiness.
As Smith navigates his newfound genius, he realizes that it is not all it's cracked up to be. His intelligence becomes a burden, alienating him from his friends and family, and causing him to struggle with everyday tasks. Meanwhile, his former boss, who had fired him before the lightning strike, becomes jealous of Smith's success and hatches a plan to bring him down.
Through humorous and satirical situations, Bangs highlights the flaws in society's view of intelligence and success. He suggests that true happiness comes from living a simple life with friends and family, rather than chasing after intellectual glory. Overall, "The Idiot" is a witty and insightful commentary on human nature and the pursuit of knowledge.